All amateur fighters are allowed a maximum of two (2) corners. If your team has 2 fighters on a single card, you are allowed three (corners). If your team has 3 or more fighters on a card, you are allowed four (4) corners.
Professional fighters are allowed two (2) corners and one (1) cut person.
One additional corner may be added to a team, but they must purchase an event pass from the Promoter for $50, plus have the required NCBCSC and Federal license.
Every corner person is required to have a North Carolina license which may be purchased at 5pm the night of the event. The NCBCSC only allows cash payments for licenses, so be sure you bring cash if you or your corner must renew their license. License costs are as follows —
NCBCSC State License: $50.00 per year
Federal License: $25.00 every 5 years
Coaches: $50 per year
Since 2016, Triangle Kickboxing Promotions has been at the forefront of full-contact amateur and professional Kickboxing and Muay Thai events in North Carolina. We’ve played a pivotal role in advancing the rules and regulations for these combat sports across the state, ensuring safety and professionalism.
Our signature “Lightning Strikes” Kickboxing & Muay Thai Series has grown to become the #1 platform for these sports in the Carolinas, showcasing top talent and thrilling matchups. Our events are regulated by the North Carolina Boxing and Combat Sports Commission and sanctioned by the International Kickboxing Federation (IKF), ensuring the highest standards of competition, as well as growth for our fighters.
We are the only officially sanctioned Kickboxing/Muay Thai promoter in the state solely focused on these sports. @TriKicPro remains committed to the growth and success of Kickboxing and Muay Thai throughout the Carolinas, and beyond.
Copyright© 2016-2025 | All Rights Reserved.
Triangle Kickboxing Promotions, Lightning Strikes ProAm Kickboxing & Muay Thai.